Why hello there. Thank you for stopping by at my little patch of the internet. This blog was set up to look at technical programming topics from a beginners perspective.

What qualifications do I have to write such a blog?

Well realistically, none at all.

I’m a twenty-four year old Australian/Brit who has taken the plunge and enrolled in Makers Academy to learn how to code. Up to this point, I studied Theoretical Physics at University, worked at a consultancy in Data Analytics, climbed a few mountains, travelled from Sydney to London without flying, ran a wine cellar for two years and completed the Kokoda Trek in six days. But I feel this is my biggest challenge yet.

Over the next 12 weeks I will be learning a whole host of new languages, methodologies and best practices. I’m sure there will be many late nights, countless coffee stops and endless hair pulling. But at the end I hope to be able to secure a job as a junior developer.

So to answer the question, my only qualification is that I’m a beginner too! I hope that will lead to a gentler introduction to these topics, than reading an experts take would provide. I also enjoy making terrible puns, so if you’re a fan of that, then feel free to stick around. Otherwise I hope you do find something of use here.

08/11/2016 - Update: So I’ve done it! Last week I graduated from Makers Academy, and am now firmly on the path towards become a software engineer. I’m going to keep the blog going, not least as its an excellent learning tool for me. I’m now in JobHunt mode, so let me know if anyone has any interesting contacts they can line me up with!



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