Big O Notation
Why is my program running so slow?
Why is my program running so slow?
It’s time to say goodbye
Recollections from my Final Project
Highlights of a day spent locked in a building full of Ruby coders
Building a Database Server
One mans story of building an application in React
Building a Ruby Domain Mapper
Give you what you want… maybe… actually probably not…
It’s time to build a testing framework
Building websites in the Node Environment
Duck Typing in Object Oriented Languages
Doesn’t that sound like a whole load of fun?
An Exploration of Feminism and Programming
My thoughts on the first month at Makers Academy.
How do we verify users in a secure way?.
Databases, SQL and awful puns.
Let’s start building our first website
The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges and some basic cryptology.
Sorting custom objects with the spaceship operator.
Exploring a test driven solution to modelling an airport.
A collection of thoughts, problems and reflections on the Makers Academy PreCourse.
Welcome to String, Hash, Array.